Tag Archives: vince camuto

Simply Stylist Event

9 Jun





 The Simply Stylist event at the Dana Hotel on Saturday was a great chance to shop and listen to words of wisdom from multiple fashion guru’s! Every topic the women glazed over was up every blogger’s alley. Corri McFadden from E-Dropoff and Jacey Duprie THE Damsel in Dior blogger, were among the few to share their knowledge on how they became successful in their fields. I’m feeling very enlightened and inspired after listening to these women speak!




 Stephanie Hsieh (The Naked Canvas) , Justine Gershank (Short is the New Black), and myself.

Skirt Vintage, Simliar J Crew / Shoes Vince Camuto/ Blazer Target- Similar Target/ Shirt Forever 21/ Necklace Gifted / Lip Satin Nars/ Bangles Sequin

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